CE advises in acquisition in the Finnish healthcare sector, cleared unconditionally by the FCCA

CE advises in acquisition in the Finnish healthcare sector, cleared unconditionally by the FCCA

January 18, 2022

The Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority unconditionally approves the acquisition of Pohjola Sairaala by Pihlajalinna – Copenhagen Economics supported Pihlajalinna during the review process

On 14 January 2021, the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority (FCCA) unconditionally cleared Pihlajalinna’s acquisition of Pohjola Sairaala. Pihlajalinna is one of the leading private health care providers in Finland. Pohjola Sairaala, part OP Financial Group, provides primarily orthopaedic and hand surgery services out of its five hospitals in Finland.

Following an in-depth investigation, the FCCA concluded that the acquisition does not result in a significant impediment to effective competition. According to the FCCA’s press release, Pihlajalinna’s acquisition of Pohjola Sairaala, which to date has predominantly provided services internally within OP Financial Group, will bring additional capacity to the market to the benefit of other insurance companies. Further, with regards to self-paid customers, the FCCA examined certain geographic areas in closer detail but did not find the transaction to result in adverse effects on competition in these markets. The FCCA’s full decision will be published in due course.

Copenhagen Economics provided economic support to Pihlajalinna throughout its proceedings with the FCCA.