CE provides highly topical studies regarding Danish Investment Climate

CE provides highly topical studies regarding Danish Investment Climate

April 13, 2015

Copenhagen Economics has conducted a number of studies of the investment climate in Denmark. The studies have two main conclusions:

  • Investments in Denmark are below their expected level and the drop in private sector investment since the crisis is larger than neighboring countries.
  • Reforms of the Danish taxation of companies and persons income from investments could yield substantial gains to real wages and investments. The studies suggest taking inspiration from other Nordic countries which as a whole have a more investment friendly tax climate. This could prove a helpful stimulus to growth and productivity in a situation where many jobs have been lost through the crisis.

Analysis of FDI in Denmark also indicates, that the investment climate in Denmark has deteriorated the last few years, compared to your peers in Northern Europe.


A compendium including the main results can be downloaded from Axcelfuture’s website here


The full reports can be downloaded here


For further information, please contact partner and Managing Director Martin H. Thelle or Partner Sigurd Næss-Schmidt