Coordinated tourism concepts as the pillar in new tourism strategy

Coordinated tourism concepts as the pillar in new tourism strategy

April 13, 2015

Copenhagen Economics points towards a new strategy for Danish tourism in our report for Turismens Vækstråd and industry organization HORESTA.


In addition to continue the focus on providing competitive framework conditions allowing the industry to compete on equal terms with the tourism industries in other countries, the key pillar of the strategy rests with coordinated products or concepts, which will increase the quality of the tourism product thereby attracting more tourists and allowing the businesses to charge higher prices. In order for such concepts to be developed a new structure for cooperation is needed, which handles the risk of free riding.


Furthermore, we suggest that public funds for developing the tourism product and marketing are specifically directed towards the most promising of these coordinated concepts.  

Download the full report (in Danish) from Horesta’s website 

For further information please contact Partner Christian Jervelund