Copenhagen Economics to speak at Swedish Post- och Telestyrelsen (PTS)

Copenhagen Economics to speak at Swedish Post- och Telestyrelsen (PTS)

April 13, 2015


9 April the Swedish PTS invites to the conference ‘Postdag’. The theme for the day will be what is happening at the postal market and which possibilities and obstacles e-commerce has for the development on this specific market.

  One of our Senior Economists, Anna Møller, will participate with the presentation: ”Dags att leverera! Utmaningar och möjligheter i tider av ökad e-handel” based on the postal market studies that Copenhagen Economics has done for the EU commission.

Other speakers at the conference will be Pierre Schellekens from The EU commission and PTS’s managing director Göran Marby.


The conference will take place at Europahuset in Stockholm, 9 April.


Get more information about PTS’s Postdag

Register for the conference before 21 March 

For further information please contact Senior Economist Anna Møller.