Frederik Harhoff named Talent 100

Frederik Harhoff named Talent 100

April 13, 2015

We are very proud to announce that Frederik Harhoff, one of our very talented Senior Economists, has been named Talent 100 2014.


Talent 100 is Berlingske Business’ recognised selection of the most talented future corporate profiles under the age of 35.

Berlingske Business has elected the 100 talents, based on an evaluation of the talents’ professional qualifications, managerial skills and results.


Frederik was named Talent 100 because he is an extraordinarily sharp and versatile economist, who quickly has gained an international profile within his field, auction consulting. Furthermore Frederik naturally demonstrates leadership and helps to develop both Copenhagen Economics and his colleagues.


Yesterday, April 24, the 100 talents were announced at a great event in Copenhagen where MP and former Danish Minister for the Environment, Ida Auken and Henrik Lind, entrepreneur and founder of Danske Commodities were some of the speakers.


Read more about Frederik and Berlingske Talent 100 2014


For further information, please contact Frederik Harhoff