GCR 2021: The role of economics in Latvian competition cases is evolving

GCR 2021: The role of economics in Latvian competition cases is evolving

January 29, 2021

Copenhagen Economics has interviewed several prominent competition law practitioners for the chapter on Latvia. The findings show that the role of economic analysis in competition cases still has room for improvement.

The past year saw a first for the Competition Council of Latvia (CC) as it adopted a decision on interim measures in an alleged abuse of dominance case. In the same period, the CC recorded a significant drop in the number of merger filings, with 50% fewer than the previous year. The research by Copenhagen Economics also highlights an ongoing debate about the use of economics in merger cases. While legal practitioners concur that economic arguments could play a bigger role in the CC’s decisions, the authority argues that the parties could provide their economic analysis earlier in the process.

Learn more in GCRC’s Enforcer Hub’s chapter on Latvia, written by Mindaugas Cerpickis.   

An extract from GCR’s Enforcer Hub. The whole resource is available here

For further information, please contact Mindaugas Cerpickis