Hendrik Fügemann speaks at Copenhagen Economics’ and Kromann Reumert’s joint seminar

Hendrik Fügemann speaks at Copenhagen Economics’ and Kromann Reumert’s joint seminar

April 4, 2017

Last week, Hendrik Fügemann spoke at Copenhagen Economics’ and Kromann Reumert’s joint seminar.

The theme of the seminar was OECD BEPS’ action plan and its implications for In-tangibles and Services from a Danish tax law and a valuation perspective. Hendrik Fügemann presented his view on; what aligning Transfer Pricing outcomes with Value Creation means for businesses from a valuation perspective; what BEPS means for industry-specific intangibles; and how to clear the dust and apply BEPS guidance to intercompany services.

Hendrik Fügemann has gathered the main conclusions and Q&A’s from the seminar in a pulse article that you can read here

Download the presentation
For further information, please contact Hendrik Fügemann