Copenhagen Economics launches a new, specialised unit for valuation of intangible assets and intellectual property such as brands and trademarks. Heading the unit is the German expert Hendrik Fügemann.
Hendrik Fügemann is specialised in IP Valuation and considered among Europe’s leading experts in the field. He has many years of experience in advising MNEs as well as SMEs in their Intellectual Property and especially brand valuation challenges, for internal as well as external purposes, and he has worked on projects worldwide.
At Copenhagen Economics Hendrik and the new unit will emphasize a new method to value IP based on the direct benefit it can steer. Thereby, Copenhagen Economics moves away from the traditional methods of IP Valuation, which are typically based on the costs related to developing and maintaining the intellectual property or based on comparisons with similar brands. These methods are, however, not adequate, as intellectual property elements are characterised by being inherently unique. For brands, for example, their value depends on how consumers perceive the brand.
Copenhagen Economics quantifies this unique value through customer surveys, price data, industry analyses and other economic techniques.
Find more information about Hendrik Fügemann
Find more information about IP Valuation at Copenhagen Economics