Invitation: After Work Meeting in Greenland

Invitation: After Work Meeting in Greenland

April 13, 2015

Will an economic model for Greenland make it easier to make the right decisions that are critical for the future of Greenland? How would you use it in your work?

Copenhagen Economics and Bank of Greenland invite to a after work meeting about the potential of an economic model for Greenland.

At the meeting, we present a macro economic model, developed by Copenhagen Economics. The model focuses on the welfare state’s long-term challenges, and is designed to activate the warning signals long before development derails. Niels Christian Fredslund presents the model and the possibilities of using it to clarify benefits and consequences.  

The after work meeting takes place 5 December at 4pm in Bank of Greenland’s canteen. Please note that the language will be Danish.

Participation is free of charge but requires registration to no later than 4 December.


Download invitation (in Danish)

For further information please contact Analyst Niels Christian Fredslund