New study: Growth in private investments will pick-up in the first quarter of 2015, but not likely to be sustained throughout the year

New study: Growth in private investments will pick-up in the first quarter of 2015, but not likely to be sustained throughout the year

April 13, 2015

Copenhagen Economics has developed a quarterly forecast model for real private investments for Axcelfuture called ‘Axcelfuture Lead’.

Axcelfuture Lead shows that

  • Private real investments are projected to grow on average by 1.6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2014 and the first quarter of 2015
  • This means that the annual real investment level will surpass DKK 205bn by the end of 2014/beginning of 2015 – an investment level not seen since end of 2009
  • But, growth is projected to slow down in the last three quarters of 2015, leaving an annual projected growth rate of 3.6 percent
  • To meet the government’s plans for employment and GDP in 2020, the annual real growth rate of private investments should be approximately 6 percent according to Finansredegørelsen 2014

Download the analysis

Find more analyses of the investment climate in Denmark at Axcelfuture’s website

For further information, please contact Lars Jensen