Today, Erik Dahlberg presented our report: The role of aviation for tourism and sustainability in Sweden. The report has been produced in cooperation with the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth the Group of Swedish public authorities for tourism.
The report shows that aviation is highly important for inbound tourism in Sweden, with approximately 60 % of the total commercial guest nights in Sweden by foreign tourists can be attributed to airborne tourists. For most tourist markets, aviation is the only viable option to travel to and from Sweden.
Technical advancements and increasing efficiency have lead to a decrease in emission per airborne passenger. Nevertheless, as the number of passengers have risen substantially, especially leisure travelers, the total emissions for aviation have increased over the past 20 years. Emissions from aviation represent approximately 5.5 % of total emissions in Sweden.
Further research is needed on the economic impact in different development scenarios of airborne passengers in Sweden, and to map out the potential for alternative modes of transport to, from and within Sweden. As aviation is going to be the primary mode of transport for most markets, ensuring a stable and viable market for sustainable jet fuel is crucial to minimize the environmental impact of aviation.
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For further information, please contact Erik Dahlberg