Simon Edkins speaks at US Spectrum Auction Design conference

Simon Edkins speaks at US Spectrum Auction Design conference

April 13, 2015

Friday 20 June, one of our auction experts, Simon Edkins, speaks at the conference ‘Spectrum Auction Design, Experience and Post Auction Market Structure’, hosted by Columbia University in New York. The aim of the conference is to investigate theoretical perspectives for incentive auctions with a focus on the practical experiences of recent Combinatorial Clock Auctions in Europe.


Simon Edkins will present in a session focused on learnings from a common auction format used in Europe, the European Combinatorial Clock Auction (CCA). Copenhagen Economics consultants have a wealth of experience supporting bidders and regulators through different types of complex high-value spectrum auctions.


We are very excited to be represented in a conference with such illustrious companies, including world-leading experts on spectrum economics and auction theory. Peter Cramton, Paul Milgrom, David Salant, Eli Noam and Larry Ausabel will be joined by leading lights from industry in what is set to be a very interesting event. Read more about the conference or sign up

For further information, please contact Senior Economist Simon Edkins