Over the past two weeks, David Nordström and Amanda Stefansdotter from Copenhagen Economics have carried out case competitions among economics students at Stockholm School of Economics (7 November), Uppsala University (8 November), and Stockholm University (13 November).
David and Amanda started by presenting Copenhagen Economics and the case; a merger in the IT-security sector. Students were to find strong arguments for why there is a broad relevant market for the particular product investigated, and why the merger would not create or strengthen a dominant position for the merging firms. With a 45 minute deadline this task was challenging, and the mood intense.
After presenting their arguments, the students were exposed to a twist. They were asked to argue for the opposite side of the case; why there is a narrow relevant market for the particular product, and why the merger would create or strengthen a dominant position. After three hours of hard work and presentations, winning groups were chosen.
For further information please contact Analyst David Nordström
Photo: Uppsala University by courtesy of Pareto Uppsala