Two of Copenhagen Economics’ competition experts, Simen Karlsen and Søren Andersen have composed the chapter regarding Norway in the new version of the acknowledged Handbook of Competition Economics.
They particularly point out the Norwegian Competition Authority’s focus on grocery markets in Norway in the past year, including two merger cases and one purchasing and distribution partnership. The case that has created most attention in the media is the purchasing and distribution partnership between Ica and Norgesgruppen, which has just been temporarily suspended due to another grocery merger in Norway. There has also been a lot of focus on the effects of the recently amended Norwegian competition act (e.g.) much higher turnover thresholds for merger notifications and the introduction of remedies in antitrust cases).
Download the full chapter regarding Norway (an extract from The Handbook of Competition Economics 2015)
The Handbook of Competition Economics is published by Global Competition Review (GCR). Its expert-written specialist intelligence and research provides unique insights into and analysis of current and future competition economics trends. Read the complete Handbook of Competition Economics 2015 For further information, please contact Partner Claus Kastberg Nielsen