The Handbook of Competition Economics 2016: Focus on mergers in Norway

The Handbook of Competition Economics 2016: Focus on mergers in Norway

December 16, 2015

Partner at Copenhagen Economics, Henrik Ballebye Okholm, and Managing Economist, Simen Karlsen, have contributed to the new version of the acknowledged Handbook of Competition Economics, composing the chapter regarding Norway.

They describe two interesting developments. First, there has been much focus on mergers. Eight mergers have been allowed with remedies and four mergers have been blocked. In particular, the merger between ICA and Norgesgruppen and the acquisition of Tele2 by TeliaSonera has gained much attention. Second, the members of the asphalt cartel received very high fines.

Download the full chapter regarding Norway (an extract from The Handbook of Competition Economics)

The Handbook of Competition Economics is published by Global Competition Review (GCR). Its expert-written specialist intelligence and research provides unique insights into and analysis of current and future competition economics trends. 

Read the complete Handbook of Competition Economics 2016

For further information, please contact Partner Henrik Ballebye Okholm