Two-tier delivery strategies – a key to sustainable postal services

Two-tier delivery strategies – a key to sustainable postal services

May 4, 2015

This month Australian magazine ‘Postal News’ features Anna Möller Boivie’s thoughts on how to accommodate a sustainable provision of postal services.

Anna points to the fact that a two-tier delivery strategy has proven to be an important move towards more sustainable postal services in many countries, especially where mail volumes are declining rapidly.

From an economist’s perspective, the introduction of a two-tier system has two main advantages. On the one hand, it allows postal operators to reduce costs. On the other hand, it provides consumers with a greater choice of services.

The conclusions suggest, that potential concerns regarding affordability should not prevent policy makers from granting operators the flexibility that a two-tier delivery strategy could provide. In fact, by not granting operators increased flexibility, policy makers would risk making the provision of postal services unsustainable in the long run.

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For further information, please contact Anna Möller Boivie