Winner of the 2006 Consultancy Prize

Winner of the 2006 Consultancy Prize

April 13, 2015

Copenhagen Economics has won the prize for best consultancy 2006 for the project ”The legal profession. Competition and Liberalisation on behalf of the Danish Law and Bar Society.

The prize is awarded by the Danish Management Council (Dansk Management Råd).

These are the comments by the awarding committee:

"The project is unique because the client is “new” in a consultancy sense. It has been carried out in a business that itself delivers advice to clients and which in its nature is critical. This has meant that the client has subjected the result to an extremely thorough quality control of contents during the whole process prior to acceptance. The project has contributed in a decisive manner to qualifying the debate on the future of the legal profession among those with vested interests – including the decision makers.

The project has had a very visible effect – the client has reached his target of achieving a solid professional basis for the analysis to which other interested parties had to consider both from a critical and constructive point of view.

Professionally, the project receives top marks. It demonstrates how well implemented economic analyses can further a reasoned debate and achieve recognition – also internationally. The project has combined notable professional strengths and targeted communication."

Further information: Henrik Ballebye Olesen

Link to press release (in Danish) on the Danish Management Council’s home page

Read the report in Danish