Mindaugas Cerpickis


Mindaugas heads the Postal & Delivery service at Copenhagen Economics and is also an experienced competition economist specialising in antitrust and merger cases.

Having given expert testimony before competition authorities and the courts of several EU member states, Mindaugas has led economic analyses in cases in front of the European Commission. He has contributed several papers to the Global Competition Review and Concurrences.

Over the past 15 years, he has supported delivery operators, policymakers, and regulators with economic analyses in more than 25 countries in Europe, North America, Africa, and Asia. Mindaugas has written numerous papers on postal economics, tariff regulation, the net cost of the USO, network access, and sustainability. He has also used his economic skills to support the transformation strategies of postal operators.


Phone: +45 5373 2454
Office: Copenhagen
Education: M.Sc. (Strategic Management)
Languages: English and Lithuanian