An assessment of the economic impacts arising for Ireland from the potential future trading relationship between the EU and UK

The framework for the future relationship between the European Union and the United Kingdom: The potential impacts on Ireland

In 2017, the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation commissioned Copenhagen Economics to undertake a study to consider the impact of Brexit on Ireland’s trade and economy. This report was published in February 2018 and considered four different Brexit scenarios and the impact of each on the Irish economy. The four scenarios were an European Economic Area (EEA) type scenario, a Customs Union scenario, a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) scenario, and a WTO (No Deal) scenario.

Reflecting more recent developments with the adoption of the Withdrawal Agreement and the Revised Political Declaration (RPD) on the Future Relationship between the EU and the UK, Copenhagen Economics has modelled two additional FTA scenarios to take account of the provisions of the RPD.

The main conclusions of our study are:

The study is commissioned by the Irish Department for Business, Enterprise and Innovation.


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