Parcel delivery services for e-commerce shoppers in Sweden

Longer delivery times for letters and no need to designate a provider for e-commerce delivery services. These are two main proposals in a report published earlier this week by a Government-appointed committee in Sweden which has since 2020 analysed the need for changes to the scope and financing of the postal USO.

The recommendations by the Committee aim to reduce the need for immediate public financing of the postal USO. At the same time, the Committee proposes to implement a framework for future state funding, acknowledging that further reductions in letter mail volumes eventually will threaten the financial sustainability of the USO in Sweden.

The CE postal and delivery team contributed to the Committee’s work by producing two expert reports on

Some of our research results from the latter are presented in an infographic you can download below.

You can read the full report including our report on B2C parcel delivery (in Swedish) here.
