Productivity in the service sectors in Region Zealand is almost unchanged in the past 20 years. At the same time, productivity in manufacturing and primary industries has increased around 2% annually in the region. Furthermore, the productivity in the service sectors in Region Zealand fell behind productivity in the service sectors in the other Danish Regions in the mid-00’s. If Region Zealand’s productivity in the service sectors had increased at the same rate as in the remaining regions, the region’s GDP had been 6% higher today.
The productivity in the service sectors in Region Zealand has not caught up to the remaining Regions since the mid-00’s. There are two reasons for this:
Despite the low productivity growth, the disposable income in Region Zealand is at the second highest level (only surpassed by the Capital Region of Denmark). This is to a large extent due to the commuting activity by high income earners from Region Zealnd to the Capital Region of Denmark.
The study is commissioned by Region Zealand