Productivity analysis – Service sectors in Region Zealand

Original title: Produktivitetsanalyse - Serviceerhverv i Region Sjælland

Productivity in the service sectors in Region Zealand is almost unchanged in the past 20 years. At the same time, productivity in manufacturing and primary industries has increased around 2% annually in the region. Furthermore, the productivity in the service sectors in Region Zealand fell behind productivity in the service sectors in the other Danish Regions in the mid-00’s. If Region Zealand’s productivity in the service sectors had increased at the same rate as in the remaining regions, the region’s GDP had been 6% higher today.

The productivity in the service sectors in Region Zealand has not caught up to the remaining Regions since the mid-00’s. There are two reasons for this:

Despite the low productivity growth, the disposable income in Region Zealand is at the second highest level (only surpassed by the Capital Region of Denmark). This is to a large extent due to the commuting activity by high income earners from Region Zealnd to the Capital Region of Denmark.

The study is commissioned by Region Zealand



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