The economic footprint of the Danish fishery sector
Original title: Dansk fiskeri og fiskeindustris økonomiske fodaftryk
Copenhagen Economics has been asked to analyse the fishery sector’s impact on the Danish economy. The main conclusions of our study are
- The Danish fishery sector’s economic footprint in the Danish economy is significant. When accounting for all activities including fishing, processing, exports, as well as the activities at subcontractors and through induced effects, the sector supports a total GDP-contribution of DKK 12.5 bn and 16.000 jobs in Denmark.
- The majority of these jobs are located in smaller communities in Northern and Western Jutland. The local business communities are dependent on the fishery sector to a large extend, either directly or indirectly. As these communities are often characterized by a declining population and few other job opportunities, the significance of the fishery sector cannot be underestimated.
- After years of consolidation, the fishery sector is a highly capitalized and highly productive industry today. By increasing the overall productivity in Denmark, the fishery sector improves the overall wealth and welfare in Denmark.
- Denmark serves as a platform for international trade with fish and fish products. In 2016, the total exports amounted to DKK 26.1 bn. Looking forward however, a limited access to raw materials or export markets, for example following Brexit, could have severe consequences for the sector’s contribution to the local communities in Denmark.
The study is commissioned by Danish Pelagic Producers Organisation, Danish Fishermen’s Association, Danish Seafood Association, Marine Ingredients Denmark and Danish Ports