The Greater Copenhagen Light Rail

Original title: Hovedstadens Letbane på Ring 3

The Greater Copenhagen Light Rail is estimated to begin operations in 2024. Based on a number of preconditions, calculations on its expected economic value were published as part of the report ‘Udredning om Letbane på Ring 3’ in 2013.

Copenhagen Economics was asked to analyse whether these have since changed.

Our study finds that at least eight of the preconditions for the project’s calculations in 2013 on the economic value have changed. These changes involve a higher increase in both population and traffic along the light rail, causing more congestion on the roads than what was initially anticipated, and these two factors alone are estimated to cause an improved economic value compared to what was expected in 2013.

Our findings suggest that the calculations on the economic value from 2013 may be outdated. 

The main conclusions of our study are

The study is commissioned by LOOP CITY
