Finanssektorens klimapartnerskab – Baggrundsrapport

In 2019, the Danish government assigned 13 climate partnerships the task to recommend green initiatives that can help Denmark reduce its CO2 emissions by 70 percent in 2030 compared to 1990.

The most important task for the climate partnership for the financial sector will be to finance green initiatives in other sectors on market conditions. Therefore, the partnership has arranged workshops, etc., with the other 12 climate partnerships to identify the investment need and potential barriers to this. To complement the dialogue with the other climate partners, the partnership for the financial sector has asked Copenhagen Economics to:

The recommendations presented by the climate partnership for the financial sector in its roadmap are thus based both on input from the dialogue with the other partnerships and from this background report.

On 16 April, the Financial Climate Partnership published their sustainability roadmap for the financial sector in Denmark. You can find the roadmap here

The report has been commissioned by Forsikring & Pension and Finans Danmark.
